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ITALIAN Our Food Staff Parma

Caviar; Wine; Olive Oil; Chocolate; Biscuits

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ITALIAN Our Food Staff Parma - Company Introduce
Our Food Staff Parma originated from the project of four friends, who united their professional know-how, to put in practice their passion... food, tradition, motherland.

That's what "Food Staff" is: a team of independant consultants, who have long been working in Emilia, for a wide range of important companies; we promote the products we believe in, the products of high quality we have seleced, the products we put on our families' tables.

We couldn't have left out the word "Parma"..our origin...our main brand that speaks for itself and is a demonstration of quality and solidity. We have developed necessary skills to be considered experts; this kind of know-how inherited from our grandparents and our parents, helped Parma to create a world-wide reputation as the producer of inimitable Parmesan cheese and Parma ham.

And what does "Our" stand for? Our staff. But not only ours. It' is the staff of all those companies that would like to enter a consultant network to promote their own... [Details]
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